Welcome, we are
The Treehouse Language Center
The Treehouse was formed by a group of English Speakers in Be’er Sheva. We are a community language center that offers meaningful and affordable language courses for kids and teens, as well as employment opportunities for new immigrants and English Speakers in the Negev. We teach spoken English in a positive and experiential way, based on our student's natural curiosity and emphasizes the fun within the learning process.
What Do We Offer?
Games, Drama, Art, Music, Movement, and Gardening Activities in English
Method of Teaching
Small Groups with up to 8 children in each group.
Personal Attention
Depending on the age group.
45-60 Minutes Classes
Classes are located throughout Be'er Sheva and Omer.
Accessible to Everyone
Located in "Beit Hapark" Park Hasofrim, where you can find English for Everyone!
The Main Center
Small group classes for ages 4-15.
Parent and Me
Special Needs
English Speakers
Different Types
of Classes
An open space for Immersive English Learning.
Held at a discounted rate, without the yearlong commitment.
Game Time
Game Time 2.0
Holiday and community events held throughout the year including, family day, Storytime, Makers Day) Events are published on our blog and social media.
Like going to camp in the USA without the need to fly!
We offer a range of different experiences and options for breaks from school during the spring and the summer.
Spring and Summer Camps
What Will the Children Receive?
Engagement and Fun
It is our mission to impart language-learning in a positive and immersive manner; we want to avoid shame or frustration that can accompany a language acquisition process.
Creating a Safe Space
Language is best learned when allowed to try and make mistakes again and again. At the Treehouse, there are no exams and there are no failures. We allow children a safe space to just try. To do this, we keep our learning groups small: 4-8 children per group.
A Variety of Themes
Language is meant to be a tool of communication and not just a subject that is taught in school. We offer children a wide variety of fields to learn from: art, theatre, movement, gardening cooking and more! in small groups!
Our teachers motivate the children to learn, understand and try to speak by speaking slowly and in a repetitive manner and using body language, hand gestures and facial expressions. This allows the children to understand more every lesson!
Everyone Can Learn English
We understand that every child learns differently, so we give special attention to every child as a unique individual- what they love to do, their interests, their fears and the challenges they face. We also have affordable prices and offer scholarships for children who need them.
Community Learning
Different styles, accents and expressions of language instruction provide a holistic approach to learning. Our programs utilize international staff and students.
The Children Choose to Attend
We ensure that the children want to participate in the programming and are not forced by their parents or teachers. When we encounter lack of motivation, we tailor our lessons to the interests of the children. If this doesn’t work, we offer them the chance to try other lessons, groups or teachers until we match their taste, curiosity and true motivation to learn.
Motivation, Not Homework
Practice through games in a fun atmosphere can continue at home as preparation for the next lesson, or from lesson to lesson. We encourage the children to practice the language at every opportunity using the language and games taught in class or through books, movies, TV shows, songs and so on.
A Holistic Perspective
We see ourselves as an important part of the English community and the city. We educate our students for multicultural experiences and offer a range of programming in which they can participate.